Welcome to Danielle's Homepage

4 Years Old

Danielle Karen Anselmo
b. October 14th, 2010
Length: 19 1/2 ''
7 lbs. 13 oz.



Newborn Pics
3 Month Pics
6 Month Pics
1 Year Pics
2 Year Pics
4th Birthday

Pics with Sisters

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Emilee's Webpage
Megan's Webpage
Brooke's Webpage
Dad's Webpage
Mom's Webpage

My Video Page

We are excited to announce the fourth baby girl in our family. Baby Dani is so sweet and precious. We were all in love with her from the second we saw her. Her two oldest sisters are always wanting and willing to help out. Brooke just likes to watch. I am sure she would do a little more if she could. :) Danielle has been such a blessing to have in our home.