Halloween Day:

Girls made their costumes out of playdough

Ems with Brooke

Love that Brooke is trying to eat the pumpkin

Matt helped with carving the girls pumpkins this year.

Emee taking out the seeds

Megs painting. Really focused

Ems painting. Really focused

Mommy with her girls

Best Friends!

Had to make a Vampire this year since that's what we were.

Pleased with how my pumpkin turned out

Vampire face

The three pumpkins

All lit up

Matching shirts

Brooke with pumpkin and mommy
This is great: notice where she is looking. We have a spider hooked to the door that goes up and down when the door opens and closes. That's where she is looking. She is enamored by it!

In our graveyard

The three girls

Daddy with Brooke

Baby Brooke

Baby on the move

Lucy and me


all their candy

gathering and separating

separating candy

Making Trades... an important part of the process.