Spring Break:

Started the break out with BOWLING!

Dani watched

ALL great players!



Brooke played too

Swimming is ALWAYS a favorite!

Dani is walking in the water by herself.
Kinda Scary!

Ems and Megs are little monkeys on the rock climbing wall. It's fun to watch.

Great job Megs!

Megs slipped and here she is flying in the air.

Girls night out at Olive Garden.

Ymmy smoothies.

Silly girls.

Run, Jump, and Play

Always a fun time

CrAzY girls!

FAST speeds




Closed... over and over again.

Brooke pumping herself.

Dani had as much fun as the rest of us.

All four girls.

More bowling, mini bowling!

Sun, Tramp, and water... Always a good time!

Toe touch

I came into the office and this is how I found Dani. Emilee has a crazy sense of humor.

The street it a magnet to Dani. Scary!

Close-ups of Dani

Dani looks so tiny in there.


Sweet Girls!