Memorial Day Weekend:
Cabin in Showlow

Views of the mnts on our way up. So Pretty!

First night, Barbeque

Kids eating dinner


Ems and Ben

Cute girlies

Guys cooking breakfast. It was so yummy!

Cute girls ready for the hike

Pretty girls and pretty view

Emilee is as tall as the reeds

playing in the water

It's colder than it looks


Kids love water

Daddy and his girl

Emilee and Ava

Dallin, Ella, and Megan

Walking along the trail

Baby Jack, Emilee is really into all the babies.

Baby Charlotte, Love these babies!

More playing in the water

Showing me what they found

A little fishing
Family at Woodland Lake

With my youngest two girls

Friends at the lake

Love these Women!

Handsome group of Men!

Beautiful view, very peaceful

Playing in the dirt.

Brooke and Henry, such cute friends.

Exploring the woods

Brian and Darin with their boys

Matt and Dani

Emilee found a toad

Brooke hiking


These girls were so cute

They had so much fun with eachother

Watching show in car

Treasure Hunt, they had to find things in nature and bring them back to count.

Counting what they found

Being creative with their items
from the treasure hunt

Relaxing while the kids play

Guys playing lots of Ping pong championships. The ladies joined them on the last night. It was so much Fun!

Matt making his famous, Guac.

I love Dani's face in this pic
looking up at Hendrix.

Fun park for the kiddos.

Love Casen in this pic.

Making smores

Guys Chillin'

Our Cabin

Matt and I on the back porch.

The Whole Group

All the kids on the steps. Lots of little ones!

Back to our house for a barbeque and swim party