Utah Christmas Time and Parties:

Dani's 1st Christmas

My brother, Dan

My Aunt Lynda

Dani's 1st present

Lynda, Dan, and Karen

Kim, Kari, and Tina

Where's the chocolate?

High School Friends came to visit me at my sisters home.

Dani in a massive stocking.

Dani's first Christmas

Brooke tries it out

Our Christmas Eve was Hawiaiin themed and it was very fun and different.

Christmas Hawaiin Leis

Listening to story


Kayli just got back from BYU-Hawaii so she taught the girls Hula.

We had Dan for Christmas this year so we got this Disney Stocking and filled it with presents. It was a really fun gift to make. :)

Dan was happy and surprised with his stocking.

Thomas Kinkade fleece blanket. The girls were waiting to see each new thing that came from the stocking.

Baby's new jamis.
It says Miso Cute!

My sisters

All of the cousins with their David and Goliath shirts.

Fun presents from the Sullys

The long awaited Christmas gifts.
American Girl Dolls!

Barney for Brookee

Dani's presents

Emilee's presents

Megan's presents

Booke's presents

Brooke with Danielle

Dani loves looking at the Chrsitmas tree lights

The girls with their American Girl Dolls and their Hawaiin outfits.

Haylee and Emilee

On Christmas Day we surprised my aunt by having a big party for her.

She was really surprised. She thought she was just going over to my cousins for dinner and there we all were!

Lynda and me



Ems and Madi

Ali and Megs

It wasn't very cold and the snow man already started melting.

Brooke loves the bath

I wonder where she gets this from. Hilarious!