Christmas Time:
Family came to visit us in Ohio

Girls made small gingerbread houses.
Very creative.

Brooke and Dani swinging in the part of our unfinished basement.

Tramp time

Smiley Brookee

Megan getting ready to go outside

Family walk on the golfcourse

Girls playing around

Beautiful day!

Dad and baby

Megan, Peter, and megs playing

Brooke in the window. Silly girl!

Bowling with Peter and Megan

Peter and Megan

Their dog, Allie

Baby Dani and Mom

Dad making juice

Making Bruschetta

Christmas Eve dinner.
Such GOOD Food!

Lights played to songs

Girls at the Christmas lights

Christmas carolers
Getting ready for Christmas program

Emilee and Megan sing Twelve day of Christmas. The WHOLE thing. :)

Emilee tells Christmas jokes

Dad reads a Christmas story given to us by Grandma Elizabeth.

Watching the program.

Megan made me a gift at school I just opened.

Yay! We got a new lens for our camera.

Every Christmas the girls get new Jamis.

Making cookies for Santa

Brooke and her matching baby.

Setting up all the presents
when the girls went to bed.

I painted these doll beds for my girls for Christmas. Probably the gift I was most excited about.

Christmas morning. Wake up, wake up!

Megan's been asking for a makeup set for a while. Lucky her!

CrAzY Time opening presents!!!

Brooke loves Woody.

It was fun to spend Christmas with
Megan and Peter.

Brooke got Rapunzel and Megan got Lotso.

Brooke with her baby dolls and Woody. This girl loves her babies. She takes care of like ten of them.

Emilee and Megan got matching mini American Girl Dolls. They came with a lot of books for them to read. Yay!

The girls playing with their Squinkies.

My HUGE gift from Matt.

This Christmas really "sucks!" We kept saying this because I got this vacuum for my basement and another small vacuum and a lot of attachments for both my vacuums. I LOVE this present. Now I can clean so much more efficiently and convienent. And those who know me... I LOVE to clean!!! :)

Christmas tree cinamon rolls for breakfast morning.

American Girl doll closet Ems and Megs decorated.

Megs got a makeup set that Megan helped apply every day after. :)

Family on Christmas Day right before church.

Matt and I.

Christmas Day dinner.
Again, such GOOD Food!

The whole group. Dave is taking the picture. We should've set the timer so he could be in it.

Christmas outfits from Grandma Karen.

Me with my baby.
Finally, I got my baby with my eye color.

Brooke posing for this picture.

Christmas tree at Newport on the Levee

Megan at The Levee

Emilee taking her own pictures.

I love the views from here.

Dani is always sooooo content.

Skating rink at Fountain Square.

Brookee chasing the birds.

Megan and I at Fountain Square.

This is the IKEA for grocery stores.

Awesome candy selection.

Girls loved this massive gingerbread house.