Easter Weekend:

Waiting to find Easter eggs

Brooke as happy as can be

Ems finding them

They were everywhere in backyard

The swing set made it really fun to hide them and believe it or not these two were the hardest for the girls to find. : )

They were hidden in the wood chips. Half covered.

Thanks Grandma Holladay for the Easter gifts

Counting their money and candy

Can't wait to eat it

Decorating Easter eggs

Tie-dye Easter eggs in bag

Ems so focused

Easter eggs decorated

Mommy with her girls

Daddy with his girls

My three cute girls

Ems loves holding Brooke

Ems loves Brooke

Megs was hiding in the oven

Ems was hiding in the dryer

The girls Easter baskets

Megs and Ems Easter dresses. Thanks to Grandma Eastmond for the dresses.

The whole family

Girls with their dolls

Baby with Duck. Best way to give baths for kids up to 2+.

Love this sleep position

Brooke and Bunny

So content in the swing

Swing Time
