Easter baskets ready the night before.
Dani finds hers first.
Brooke finds hers in our unfinished part of our basement in her swing. |
Megan finds hers in the toyroom under the dress up clothes.
Emilee's was in the guest room in the closet under the sleeping bag. |
Finding out what they got. |
Enjoying their baskets |
Family Picture before church |
Four girls |
Decorating Easter eggs without the dyes. |
We did things different this year. We modge podged pieces onto eggs.
We took the egg yoke out so we can keep these for decoration for next
year. Matt voted on the best egg and the cupcake and candle egg won.
Finding Easter eggs. The older two girls had a different hunt with money
inside. |
Brooke and Dani hunted for candy eggs.
Dani was so fun to watch. She loved gathering the eggs together.
Mommy with her baby!
I think she looks a lot like me. |
Emptying the eggs and counting the money.
Dani eating her candy.
Flower girls! |
Soft Peep toys.
Stuffed Easter Pets.
Biggest chocolate bunny. |
Dani loves these.
How Cute!
Bounce, Bounce! |
One of the many crafts done today. Mental note to Easter bunny... too
many crafts in Easter baskets. Oh, but how my girls LOVE crafts.
Sand Art
Easter Program. Each egg contained an item and scripture that went with
each item. The last egg opened is Empty! |