Halloween Haunt @ Kings Island:

October at Kings Island


Tombstones are layed all over the park.

Emilee wasn't scared of anyone except Jack. (below)

Looks Spooky!

After winding down Jack pops up and shakes and scares with loud music.

Emilee has a fear of Clowns!

We call him Willy Wonka guy.

The Map

Front Entrance

Ready to Brave the rides in the Cold!

Our Scary Faces.

Huge Crowds! Avoid Saturdays...

I love Ems face here.

Some things were just too Creepy to take a picture with.

Us with one of the statues. There's Fog all over the park to make it harder to see and also sets the mood.


Willy Wonka. :)

Love the face.

Girls with the hearse.

Entrance to the park

Emilee's witch finger

Danis' turn to try it on.

Dani looks so little next to Jack.

I can't capture enough pics of this gorgeous scenery.

All Aboard!

Bye Bye!