St. George Trip:

Play house

We went to Utah for two weeks in June. It was a family reunion with all 15 grandchildren. The girls had a blast with their cousins.

It was Hot, Hot, Hot!!!

Longest slide ever

Megs favorite thing to do at the pool

Megs and Grandma

Sara and Emilee

Ems playing leap frog

And she fell

nice swim glasses

Em jumps in

Ems retreiving objects

Tina, Kim, and Kari

Haylee and Ems

Ems and Haylee

Makell and Court with Megs and Alli


Ems and Haylee with mermaids

Kim and Amanda

Somebody is... hungry!

Megs and Courtney

Megs with Baby Amanda

Ems and Haylee


Megs crafts


Holladay family

Proud daughter

Hot tub fun!

Megs jumps

Ems goes on waterslide

Ems bowling

Ice Cream!

Megs bowling

Megs and Court

Best friends!


The Threesome!

Princess play

Ems with Cinderella