Ward Christmas Party

My Sweet baby Dani

All four girls. Dani wanted to get down and Brookee was being grumpy.

Megan and Emilee

Brooke is happy now.

Dani laughing. She cracks me up!

Baby Riley, best Christmas costume.

Candy for gingerbread houses

Decorating houses

There's going to be a contest.

Brooke making her own.

Final houses. Pretty good for only 30 min,

Dani waiting for Santa to come. Little does she know she is going to want nothing to do with him when he gets here.

Dani just studying Santa.

Brooke went first, of course.

She had LOTS to say

She was on his lap a LONG time.

Oh no, she sees him!

This is the same look I got last year. And if I don't take her away then this (next pic) happens...

You'd think she was being tortured. Poor thing!

Emilee had lots to say.

Megan didn't want to sit on Santa's lap this year. She gave in because she wanted the treat bag. Silly!
Ugly sweater contest.

The winner hands down!

Pie bake-off