Christmas Time:
In Utah

Getting ready for the snow adventure

Megs lasted 2 minutes

Emilee could stay out there all day long.

Sledding is her favorite

Fun with cousins

Emilee's new hat

Sara, Haylee, and Emilee

Silly faces

Courtney and Megs


Presents from Santa Dan

Sandals for baby Brooke
Made by Uncle Dan, Thanks!

Cousins at party

Megs with Amanda

Matt and Kim

Grandma with presents for all the girls

Megs and Alli

The Best Christmas Present in the world from Dan. Dan made me his significant other this year so I fly free and Dan gave Matt extra tickets to fly with me. AMAZING!

All my sisters with our hats on.

Outfits and hats from grandma

Family on Christmas Day!

Haylee and Emee

Making gingerbread men

Megs talking to her great grandma

Matt with his Grandparents